Profile picture of Tagkast


Chicago, IL
2 staff members
2.5 392 Reviews
Company Profile

We know live events have an unparalleled ability to engage consumers through shared experiences and real-time, relevant content. Tagkast?s platform defies the constraints of physical event barriers ? allowing sponsors to connect larger audiences with branded, event-based content. Tagkast is a social marketing platform that maximizes the reach of sponsored events using branded photos. We've pioneered a patented, mobile solution using communal tagging that increases native, brand reach by 7-10x. Up to 95% of event guests engage with the portable platform and on average 65% will share branded content to their personal social networks. The content that is shared ? branded photos, videos, links ? generates millions of additional brand impressions in an authentic, native way. Mission: Tagkast seeks to not just understand, but also shape how social media and digital innovations will influence the future of live events. We?re dedicated to providing the best technology and customer service to help brands make the most of their experiential and event marketing initiatives.

Company size

1 to 50


Company - Private


Unknown / Non-Applicable


Advertising & Marketing


eshots, Picture Marketing



Staff Members
Worked since Thursday, Feb 13 2025
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