Our firm consists of a number of attorneys and teams of paralegals. We have firmly grounded our practice in the United States while also continuing to seek opportunities in China. Our firm seeks to provide high-quality legal consultation services to various Chinese organizations, groups, enterprises, and private individuals. Our firm will continue to preserve our reputation for superior service through a disciplined practice and knowledge of the law. Our firm will provide quality legal consultation based upon a comprehensive legal knowledge, highly developed set of legal skills, abundant service-related experience, elite staff organization, and a strictly enforced confidentiality policy. Mission: Our firm is devoted to changing the lives of all immigrants in the United States by uniting families across the nation. We are bringing dignity to hardworking people whose lives, culture, and labor are strengthening America. We have over 25 years of immigration experience helping clients from across the world navigate the complex immigration system.
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TypeCompany - Private
RevenueUnknown / Non-Applicable