Bruce Karatz

United States
0 years old
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Bruce Karatz is a philanthropist, architect and real estate mogul, he formed BK Capital LLC in 2011, hot off a run as President of Avondale Investments LLC. Bruce Karatz also served as the CEO of KB Home for several years, during which the company experienced their most successful periods in their history.
RIght now Bruce Karatz is in the twilight of his career, and focuses mainly on charitable causes. He's all about helping the communities around him, and finding new and unique ways that he can really change the world to make it a better place. Through the Keep Your Home Foundation, Bruce Karatz made great strides towards helping Californians keep their homes during the mortgage crisis.

But that's not all. Bruce Karatz also worked with Home Boy Industries for several years. They actually provide gang member a way out of the life. BY providing them with an education, and trade school opportunities, the organization helps them to find a legitimate life, without having to turn to crime. That's one of Bruce Karatz's greatest overall achievements.

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