Jonathan Burck

United States, Florida, Jacksonville
38 years old
0.0 0 Reviews
I am an Information Technology student, living in Jacksonville, Florida. I am a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and quick learning person always focused to meet deadlines.
I am currently studying in Information Technology faculty with an aim on software programming. In my free time, I like to draw and express my thoughts on canvas. I also do Graphic Design. I am not a pro, but I am learning it. It is like a hobby to me.
I was always interested in computers. Even when I was a kid, besides playing video games, I was always focused on cracking something. Either that was some code or shortcut in the game. Sometimes even a cheat! That is when I got my interest in programming and working "behind-the-scenes".
I have a plan for the future, to open a company for software development. I want to have a team of 5 professionals who will aim to develop software helping the medicine. I will not reveal what kind of help will be for medicine. Let it be a secret!

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No Education Specified

Career History
  • Freelance , United States , Jacksonville , Animator

Family & Friends

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Core Competencies
  • Programming
  • Analytics
  • Back-end developer
  • Sofware developer
  • Management
Greatest Attributes

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Business Achievements

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Worst Failures in Business

No Worst Failures in Business Specified

Political Party

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