Pierre Metrailler

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11/02/2020 @ 03:40 pm

A List of Red Flags Consider these warnings before deciding to work at SpotMe. 1) HR department reports to the CFO (If you don?t know why this is a major red flag, then a quick google search will tell you). 2) Very low ratio of cultural diversity amongst every management level. 3) People have been hired based on personal relationships at the expense of merit 4) Personal info, private messages, and peer reviews get passed around internally. Inevitably your vulnerabilities become fuel for gossip. 5) Management wants you to follow a list of ideals such as "Be humble", ?Be enthusiastic?, and "Be proud about the company", but with a tone that sounds like it comes from a 1980?s propaganda novel (hint hint). 6) Depending on your horizontal, there are no raises. Your position will devalue over time, while the salary of peers at other companies will continue to rise. 7) Management bullies you into taking PTO by the end of the year so they don't have to pay out/roll over PTO days. 8) Expect to work on PTO whether you want to or not 9) Expect to work on weekends whether you want to or not 10) Management frequently sets the bar for performance and utilization at the likes of EY/PwC type firms, yet you won?t get paid near that level. 11) Management literally (yes, literally) say that roles within the services department is not a place to build a career, nor do they expect you to stay more than 2 years. (To current and future employees: re-watch the Chicago Town Hall at the end of 2019 for proof). 12) There is a busy/burnout season (Spring/Fall) and a firing season (Summer/Winter) 13) ^Follow Up: They've performed many mass firings over the past several years. It was a normal expectation, yet anxiety induced gamble every time. 14) Management does not perform exit interviews, so management never gets feedback on how to improve culture and the experience of working there. 15) There is a ?hidden? ledger/note-taking system on every employee where management keeps track of observations, incidents, opinions, and performance related items. Anything written here will haunt you from the beginning of your employment until the end. 16) You may get promoted once or twice, but certain positions and some offices do not have the capability or infrastructure for a 3rd or 4th promotion. This is strong evidence against building a career at SpotMe. 17) There is an obvious lack in symbiosis between departments. If anything fails within a project, it becomes a blame game between sales, services, and engineering. Spoiler, the Services horizontal usually loses. 18) ^Follow up: Regardless of the source of a failure, management expects you to admit fault, take the blame, and apologize. It?s a no excuses culture. 19) Management has an unhealthy revolving door mentality: Keep churning and burning employees and every once in a while a few good one?s will stick. 20) After a strong negative GlassDoor review, there is a sudden burst of positive reviews. Beware of artificial reviews. TL:DR, the company is run as a Totalitarianism. They fight opposition, extinguish any threats to authority, and attempt to exercise an extremely high degree of control over its employees and their actions.

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