Dave Warren

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11/02/2020 @ 04:51 pm

Avoid At All Costs. Not Worth The Stress & Poor Treatment Too many to list, but here are a few: The office politics were off the charts. Lots of management throwing people under the bus and setting individuals up for failure. Management without a spine and leadership skills, with exception of the Creative department Self absorbed owners who micromanaged and as a result sabotaged their own campaigns Pay is incredibly low Account management is placed on a pedestal while everyone else is neglected. Account management actually managed all the other teams rather than teams being managed by their own managers. Owners are stuck in the 80s and old mentality of marketing. Think sexist beer/sports ads and awning infomercials. Aka the campaigns you'll be working on are more or less conceptualized in poor taste and execution. - Bonuses and raises were a joke. Pretty much non-existent. High turn over and low job security Benefits are awful Culture is non-existent Long hours without comped time/overtime TLDR It's a toxic environment that will not provide you with anything beneficial... anything.

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