Michael Coppola

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11/02/2020 @ 04:54 pm

Avoid if possible Hours are long for many employees excluding management. Communication is shoddy and employees can be cliquish. Compensation is below industry standard. Longterm employees don't get just desserts without threatening to leave. Benefits are sub par & employee expenses related to benefits are costly. If you're a "bro", you'll fit it culturally and have the best chance of getting compensated well. Qualified and hard working employees can be fired without notice; oftentimes over "senior" employees who make critical and costly errors. Some of the newer sales staff could benefit from intense training. Packages are sold without the input of teams often to the detriment of the company and client. Overselling and under delivering is common here. If you're not in sales, be careful not to get caught in the trap of prepping a deck, pitching, and providing strategy for a new client only to have sales get the credit (and pay)! Office morale peaks and wanes depending on the mood of the CEO & President. One of the two aforementioned individuals chucked a writing instrument at an employee during a client call with impunity. The at will nature of the employment relationship is volatile. They will make irrational decisions. Their decisions will affect the manner in which you work and they will dispose of you at their leisure. Client calls are routinely over attended and with the presence of a principal, can make the company seem small. If you are considering working for Path, do so knowing you're in for scattered and unfocused leadership. Be prepared for numerous unguided and often conflicting directives. While there are intelligent and dedicated employees, those are few (very few) and far between.

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