Arun Binaykia

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11/03/2020 @ 01:09 am

Why isn't zero stars an option? Such an unethical organization. This is been an up and coming company for more than a decade and there is a multitude of reasons why. The CEO and CTO are husband and wife and and fight like it in the office when they do not agree on something. Creates a lot of awkward moments. Additionally, do not plan on taking time off on the holidays because they are. In fact, they are gone at weeks at a time vacationing while they pay their employees as minimally as they can. You will get reviews, work added to your already intense work load but never a pay raise. No room for advancement or growth. No professional development. No actual training Turnover is high. You will be expected to work after hours and weekend and will not be paid but you will have your time docked for any and all reasons. Employees are not valued, they will just find other employees. The company covers the cost of insurance premiums but you get what you pay for, your out of pocket costs are high. Daily life is a dog and pony show, just looking good to the outside while the inside crumbles.

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