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Kullman Buildings: Not An Admirable Company The downsides of working with Kullman Buildings is the impossible expectations. Kullman will work you to death and deplete your energy and peace of mind. They allow employees only a half hour lunch break with no morning or afternoon 15 minute breaks. Some of the employees are quick to throw you under the bus when there is a problem. In order to get a bonus, one must meet impossible goals within 3 months. Expect to come to the realization that there is not enough hours in the day to complete the work that is necessary. Expect to be blamed for problems that is the fault of the company. Expect to come back from vacation and be blamed for things not accomplished during your time away. Employee retention is absolutely horrendous. Just about most people who work at Kullman had to take a pretty significant pay cut. There is no tuition reimbursement, no 401k match, expensive paycheck deduction for medical and dental. Senior leadership are unaware or slow to react to situations in the company. Senior leadership only cares about making money, not the experience. Senior leadership chooses to not involve themselves in "menial" work of non-management employees. There is much disrespect and bad mouthing of employees. Expect Senior leadership to micromanage your work efforts. There is weak recognition for big accomplishments, such as a $25 or $50 gift card. Lack of communication between managers and non-managers. Companies that have relationships with Kullman admits that Kullman clearly has employee retention problems; one in particular who has many years of relationship with Kullman admitted how many people they've seen come and go.
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