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Look for another job Toxic work environment. The upper management is very secretive about company performance which left many employees unprepared for lack of raises/bonuses/promotions. The company is overworking its people and not paying them any extra for it. Employees will work late hours or go without eating lunch all day for a project that will then be changed completely based on a whim or someone's personal taste. The upper management has been made completely aware how unhappy the employees are but they don't care to do anything about it. The office is dirty and falling apart. A large part of the office is still in disrepair after water damage from a flood nearly 2 years ago. Garbage bags with water damaged samples have lined the hallway ever since. Cockroaches in the bathroom and kitchen. Lack of respect for employees. Comments made by upper management to employees have been unprofessional, offensive, and rude. They offer an unaffordable healthcare plan and a 401k that is essentially a savings account.
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