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NPR's non-profit mission gets forgotten in the for-profit culture of NPM Pay is seriously not competitive. For a for-profit company, NPM employees across the board are highly undercut. Especially knowing what NPR counterparts make, it's confusing and suspicious that NPM don't make as much. - Not a diverse and inclusive environment; management is dragging their feet on doing something about these issues. Management has little incentive to diversify (nearly all execs/upper managers are white) and therefore they doesn't seem to take it seriously. - Sales support staff are relied on for the heavy lifts of sales, though not compensated accordingly. There seems to be an unfair discrepancy in work expectation from sales people versus sales support. - There is little room for growth. Often associates will only be promoted as high as senior associate. - HR is one person who also works with other teams from NPR. Seems inaccessible and tends to side with managers. - The work is stressful and monotonous. NPM supports NPR, but your role is so far removed from the programming that it's very easy to forget the mission and feel disconnected from the rest of the building.
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