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Don't work here!!!! The pay is mediocre, can't cash your check until 4pm there is no direct deposit. Women move up from the field and in dispatch for sleeping with higher ups and no one can dispute anything they say. EMTs rarely gets breaks and dispatch is biased toward certain EMTs. paramedics get treated as if they are EMTs there aren't ever enough units for the calls that need to be ran.... Santa Monica crews feel they don't need to abide by rules.... They don't respect req off or availability.... The company feels the employees are disposable with a 90% turn over rate. There is no appreciation given to any employee... Paychecks often bounce. All the best managers get forced out the company leaving idiots in place. They don't care about employee safety. The owner is selfish and his mistress (a supervisor) is worst than he is. The whole company is a joke
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