Camelle Kent

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0 years old
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11/09/2020 @ 01:29 am

STAY AWAY - worst work experience ever! Not paying for work done (one ends up loosing money working there and often, the company can't get supplies for weeks as no vendors wants to sell to them without advanced CLEARED payment) - Incompetent management results in monumentally bad decisions such as not respecting agreed engagements and contracts (very bad reputation - it is hard to get supplies because of belligerent attitude from management especially when they need the materials they ordered but are unwilling to pay once delivered and are using excuses to get materials for free) - Extremely cheap (will use any excuse or manoeuvre to cut costs and pay rates) - Very demeaning to humans (so arrogant, inconsiderate and loathsome) making physically impossible demands due to poor planning and lack of industry expertise - it is not that hard to plan operations properly) - Company failed to pay & is happy to abuse people to save any penny (e.g. will waste hours discussing the potential of turning down loads to reduce agreed prices / very inconsiderate and not worth working for - they are barred by lots of brokers) - High staff and suppliers turnover due to ridiculous games at last minute to reduce costs after agreements

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