Robert Goldsmith

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11/09/2020 @ 01:34 am

Great market opportunity, ridiculously poor execution by upper management There is a huge market opportunity that many of BCMS's competitors are capitalizing on, but this firm hasn't a clue how to craft and execute on a marketing strategy. And when they are fortunate enough to engage a client, there is not enough staff (due to constant turnover and internal political battles on who to hire) to do the work of selling the client's business. Clients wait for months (despite paying the high upfront fees), before BCMS can even get organized to assign a deal team. When they do get assigned, the deal teams are so overstretched, no actual work (besides an intro conference call) gets done for many more months. There is a huge backlog of unsold businesses because the two guys at the top in the US still think they are working at Goldman Sachs instead of at a business brokerage. Wonder when the UK owners will wise up to whats being done, and what isn't. Five years after the launch of the US subsidiary and still no one knows who BCMS is...

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