Adam Kotter

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0 years old
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11/09/2020 @ 01:46 am

Wildly Unprofessional The owner is wildly unprofessional and makes no distinction between his family and his businesses. He creates a weird atmosphere of religion and business. He makes grandiose claims about training, provides no training, and then holds you to high standards anyway. They lowball their employees, abuse them, and consistently operate on old equipment. They will expect you to read minds and get upset if you don't fulfill orders in the way they would have done things. Especially take warning if you are hired for a marketing position. On several occasions, they have fired/laid off their marketing people and marketing teams. This includes but is not limited to myself. They have a habit of hiring people because there's some new need for more help, and then when they think they have things under control they will fire or lay them off. This has happened several times.

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