David Schreff

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11/09/2020 @ 06:42 am

Mismanaged Management with a Detrimental Culture All of the negatives of being a tech company with none of the positives (i.e. growth, culture, challenging projects). Management has no prior background in tech and the CEO does not know how the technology works, often selling products and features that the company is not capable of. If you try to educate executives or management on the technology, they are unwilling to listen and often get upset to an inappropriate degree. There is consistent swindling with false promises of always ?soon? to be clients and ?close? to being completed technologies - a lot of smoke and mirrors. This is an example of how the organization has been able to raise the amount of money they have over 10 years with no sales in recent years. Head of Partnerships has no formal education and no background experience in business as well as often verbally abuses coworkers. Every year there is almost full turnover from everyone she has worked aside yet there are no repercussions. Disorganized and mismanaged. It is a shame that the management act the way they do. They create a hostile environment that is led by scare tactics and fear with a general mistrust of the employees that leads to resentment. Work is frequently criticized with no appreciation when employees are asked too many times over to create projects that are never used as prospective clients inevitably fall through. There are no growth opportunities here for someone new as the company has been stagnant with no real clients or revenue for the past 5 years. I can understand in a sense why management has been hostile as there is strong pressure from investors who are looking to recoup their millions in lost capital however this only breeds contempt in employees rather than ambition. Turnover is probably near 80% a year (20% reserved for the aforementioned executives) and frequently they will hire for anticipated projects that never come to fruition just to fire in a few month's time. There is no diversity within this company aside from the engineers that have been replaced and outsourced by contractors in India.

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