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The band plays loudly on this sinking ship I can see they are having people post good reviews here to get their numbers up at the moment. Do not be fooled by the good reviews. I was around for the last purge, and the same people are running the company. Here's what happened: The people funding this disaster demanded that a new version of the product be completed asap if they wanted their money (they are notoriously unable to deliver). So they knowingly hired on a bunch of people to push for this with the knowledge that they would be firing most of them after this push was over. They did not admit to this- the recruiters who hired me let it slip once. They culled half the company and did everything in their power to not give anyone left the time to interview for other jobs. I have been told by people who stuck around that the vibe has been decidedly dystopian since. The product is niche and not particularly well-designed and the C suite really seems to be hanging out and milking the investors for their paychecks. This is not a good company, it is not run by earnest and competent people, and you should seriously not work here lest you be a part of the next cull. We always joked that the band was playing loudly on this ship, and it still is. Don't believe the fake reviews.
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