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They're 3rd Place for a Reason Trash Talking: Upper management openly talks trash about current and former employees, even in open forum discussions. It's shocking and incredibly unprofessional. High Turnover: In this industry, it's quite common for turnover to be high. What's not common and very surprising is the quantity of turnover. At least 8 people quit within the first 6 months of my career here. There are fewer than 10 of the original employees that are left since I started, not including myself. About half of those have been with the company since the early days. Work / Life Balance: Almost non-existent. It's quite common to hear other employees working past 7 pm and continuing to work late at night. If you leave prior to 6 pm, you're seen as lazy, a slacker, etc. They focus on quantity over quality when it comes to clients. In return, the people who do all of the "grunt work" are spread so thin and take on many more responsibilities than what they originally were hired for. Disorganization: Like other reviews, there is disorganization at all levels and across all departments. There are no real set processes as they change frequently. Low Pay: Unless you've been with the company since the early days, or happen to be on the CEO's good side, expect to be paid like dirt. Lack of Responsibility: When clients are unhappy with results, fingers are pointed at each other and nobody takes ownership. It's a recurring theme to place the blame on the analytics team. CEO: He doesn't take criticism or suggestions at all. Multiple people have voiced their concerns when it comes to people being spread so thin and yet they continue to bring in more low-quality clients without hiring anyone else. Nepotism: There are extreme cases of nepotism among the senior level employees and it shows.
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