Andrea Dagger

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11/09/2020 @ 11:02 am

Toxic/Depressing Work Environment I have to start with the CULTURE. It is TERRIBLE! About the fakest culture I've ever encountered. It just feels so forced and no one genuinely enjoys it but you're expected to attend every event and smile. Terrible leadership with absolutely no clue on how successful mergers should happen. Selling to Inventiv was the worse decision CCA made, and they could have salvaged it by making sure there was a smooth transition, but they managed to mess that up too. There is limited upward mobility, not for lack of openings, but because they rather hire from the outside than invest in their current staff. The offices are open floor plans with no privacy and instead of expanding into new space they keep making workstations smaller and switching over to benching depriving employees of the little privacy and space they had. The company is about 15 years behind in tech. The systems they use are antiquated and riddled with bugs that no one has cared to fix, instead they just expect you to work around them. Infrastructure in general is lacking and so is support staff for Facilities, HR and IT. The no title hierarchy leaves a lot of room for confusion, aimless career growth and makes it hard to transition out when trying to get hired somewhere else because you don't have a title that reflects what you did. HR is the most worthless department at CCA. Just extremely disconnected and fake. I find it comical that they respond to every negative review on glassdoor but can't even return employee's emails when they have valid concerns or issues.

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