No Bio Specified
No Bio Specified
No Bio Specified
No Bio Specified
Watch Your Back equipment and building are falling apart, turnover high, overworked and underpaid, if the CEO doesn't like you, watch out, he'll make you miserable so you quit or fire you, lots of gossiping, be prepared to brown-nose to keep your job, there is no long term plan for improvement, only talk, management is critical and distrustful of everyone, be prepared to have everything you do questioned, job descriptions are vague and changed often, there is no actual HR department so don't expect to have what you say stay confidential, management won't give you the resources necessary to do your job, let alone excel, then will publicly blame you for problems and missed goals, be prepared to fire people to keep your own job,
No Education Specified
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No classmates Specified
No Core Competencies Specified
No Greatest Attributes Specified
No Business Achievements Specified
No Worst Failures in Business Specified
No Political Party Specified