David A. Brown

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11/09/2020 @ 11:43 am

Wonderful Work Undermined by Bad Employment Practices and Incompetent Managers The company has undergone serious growing pains as it went from a small, close knit group of friends to a larger organization. Some of those growing pains are understandable, as with the slow development of a human resources or benefits infrastructure and inconsistent hiring, training, and promotion practices. It's the kind of stuff that is easy to overlook when you love your job, but becomes a massive problem when there is an issue that needs to be addressed. And there are definitely issues that need to be addressed. Despite my love for my work, being employed at TSNY also meant tolerating sometimes abusive behaviors from supervisors, rampant cliquishness and favoritism by management, bad communication from both corporate and on-site management, and broken promises regarding basic stuff like employee reviews and scheduling.

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