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Worst Job I?ve Ever Had There are a lot of cons. The first would be the pay. We are working pretty much 24 hours a day for the entire summer. After taxes, I only ended up getting paid $1500. If you calculate the number of hours I worked, that?s less than a dollar an hour. Each camper pays about $12,000 to go to this camp... so they could definitely pay us better. Second, the head staff were absolutely awful. They make you feel stupid for asking questions and trying to get better at your jobs. They talk down to their staff and then put on a show to try to make the camp look amazing for possible future families who tour the camp. Third, the children are all stuck up, rich, and snobby. Like I said, they pay a lot of money to come here, however, their attitudes are awful. There are no consequences here for bad behavior. If a child has treated a counselor with disrespect, and you tell a head staff member, they take the child?s side and blame the situation on you. These children grow up not learning how to respect adults. Lastly, so many amazing people were fired this year for no reason! If you get fired in the middle of camp they only have to pay you 1/3 of your pay... and if you get fired before the last three days of camp they only have to pay you 2/3! This is them trying to get employees to work for them, then not have to pay them the full amount.
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