Mitch Ross

United States
0 years old
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Mitch Ross has teamed with It’s That Cool—a company dedicated to developing and distributing the newest technologies in sports and healthy alternatives to performance-enhancing drugs.
As a business-minded visionary with a passion for God and fitness, Mitch Ross is the innovative mind behind It’s That Cool. It’s That Cool is a brand that is growing in recognition for offering a wide range of products that defy expectations of athletes and other fitness fans when it comes to increasing performance and ability in a safe and natural way.
According to Ross, the concept of “performance enhancing” is one that continuously dredges up images of illegal drugs, unhealthy behavior and dishonesty in the professional sports world. However, through his research, Ross and his team at It’s That Cool have developed many solutions to turn this misconception of “performance enhancing” around. In fact, It’s That Cool offers Athletic Performance Enhancement Systems, designed by Mitch Ross, to synergistically work together to naturally enhance performance. Many of these cuttings edge products are enhanced with the latest technology in sports, US Patent Pending Frequencies.
Thanks to the work of Ross and this company, athletes and health aficionados have the opportunity to improve their performance, develop greater strength and achieve a new sense of vitality without having to wonder into the questionable territory of anabolic steroids. Motivated by his connection with the Lord, Ross believes that per God’s instruction he is to introduce this innovative range of properties that can allow individuals to realize the full potential of their bodies, without having to compromise their integrity in the athletic world.
Today, Mitch Ross and It’s That Cool are dedicated to teaching individuals about the capabilities of frequencies and the unique qualities of deer antler velvet. Particularly, these professionals are focused on raising awareness about the many health components, including proteins and amino acids, that are found in this natural material—and how these elements can boost physical performance.
While Mitch Ross created the craze for Deer Antler Velvet, he is now working with the newest U.S. Patent Pending Technologies in sports, frequencies. Frequencies are just now drawing incredible attention from the public; the potential of this resource in performance enhancement has a deep and profound history.
Mitch has been working with deer antler velvet and its performance enhancing qualities since 2006-7. As an individual who loved increasing his physical strength and ability, but who also cherished integrity, he knew that it was necessary to come up with new solutions that differed from the controversial performance-enhancing drugs found in the professional sports world.
Specifically, Mitch Ross accepted it as his mission from God to follow his faith in the Lord and Christian integrity to develop and popularize a line of products that were a safer, healthier and a natural alternative to anabolic steroids.
Responding to the Scene of Steroid Abuse
Abuse of anabolic steroids in the professional sports world has been incredible—especially since the dawn of the new millennium. Not only were performing-enhancing drugs challenging views on health and physical propensity, but they were also creating an illegitimate environment in many different professional sports from baseball to football to cycling.
Throughout the past decades, sports fans across the world have come to fall to the disappointment of finding out that their favorite athletes have turned to the use of illegal steroids to give themselves an unfair edge in competitive events. From Lance Armstrong to Jose Canseco, professional athletic icons have instantly turned into pariahs for being caught using performance-enhancing steroids.
While the use of these substances remains illegal, unhealthy and dangerous, Mitch Ross is a major believer that “performance enhancing” does not necessarily have to be a “dirty concept.” For this reason, he ventured to further research the possibilities of deer antler velvet in developing the line of products available at It’s That Cool.
As it turns out, the use of deer antler velvet holds roots in ancient Chinese cultures—all the way back to the time of the Han Dynasty. Use of this natural component is dated back to 168 B.C. and has remained a core component of traditional Chinese medicine. Recognizing that this material has been in use, successfully, for more than 2000 years, he knew deer antler velvet carried incredible properities unknown to the general public.
Mitch Ross credits deer antler velvet as a renewable resource that is harvested from the animal without harm, such as when it sheds its antlers. This material is comprised of the fuzzy epidermis that covers the inner bone and cartilage; in the deer, these components form the hard antler material. This velvet remains wondrous, as it is the fastest growing tissue found in any mammal, growing up to one inch or more a day.
How does this fast, natural growth connect to the material’s benefit to humans? In order for deer antlers to regenerate at such a rapid rate, they must contain a wealth of amino acids, growth factors, vitamins and proteins—all things that humans can use to boost their performance in their own bodies.
After drying and powdering, this unrefined substance serves as the basis of ‘The Ultimate’ and ‘Jacked’ Deer Antler Sprays, which he has enhanced with the latest US Patent Pending Technologies in sports. He believes that the It’s That Cool product line offers a new opportunity for those who want to achieve strength and vitality in a completely natural fashion. Mitch Ross created Athletic Performance Enhancement Systems which are a complement of products designed to synergistically and naturally enhance performance and recovery as a true alternative to steroids.
These sprays feature proprietary formulas that can deliver a unique healing and performance-enhancing experience like no other. For instance, these sprays are designed to boost IGF-1 levels and can serve as an alternative to human growth hormone. Whether one is just starting to strive for health goals or is training extensively for a competition, deer antler velvet sprays and tabs from It’s That Cool are a natural alternative to steroids and HGH.
Dedicated to decreasing the use of anabolic steroids among athletes and others wishing to achieve performance enhancement, Mitch Ross remains focused on growing product selection and brand awareness at It’s That Cool.
Currently, he is predominantly concerned with increasing public awareness on the potential of deer antler velvet, especially how its unique properties can help individuals achieve specific health goals. While “performance enhancing” may carry a stigma, Ross believes that it is his mission to change the way the public interprets this concept. Inspired by his personal relationship with God and the Christian way, he is committed to helping others gain access to the potential for immense physical strength through It’s That Cool’s products.
With a strong background in performance enhancement, Ross is constantly developing more innovative products to complement the It’s That Cool line. Keeping in line with his personal beliefs and the company mission, Ross and his team will remain focused on researching and developing performance-enhancing and health-related resources that are healthy, natural and safe to use.
Although anabolic steroids and other illegal substances may remain the spotlight of the professional sports world today, he is on a mission to create a market of performance-enhancing products that move away from this negative stereotype. Through his activities at It’s That Cool, Ross hopes to reach out to more top athletes and help them transform their abilities in a legitimate fashion. In doing so, Mitch Ross believes that more people will accept alternatives to steroids as a way to boost physical and athletic performance.

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Career History
  • Consultant , United States , Brockton, Massachusetts
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Core Competencies
  • Performance Enhancement
  • Working Out
  • Excercise
  • Personal Training
  • Fitness
  • Drug Alternatives
  • Faith
  • Deer Antler Spray
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