Profile picture of Modea


Blacksburg, VA
2 staff members
4 104 Reviews
Company Profile

About Modea Healthcare consumers expect seamless digital experiences. They want to tap, swipe, and click, using one hand and in real-time?without backtracking. If a healthcare organization doesn?t provide that kind of experience, from initial appointment scheduling through the final bill, your patients might go elsewhere, even if the care isn?t as good. At Modea, we solve this problem for healthcare organizations by doing two things: (1) consulting with them to develop a strategy for providing their customers with this experience, and (2) engineering, designing, and integrating the digital tools that make the experience happen. If a healthcare organization?s customer experience is outdated, it will cost them business. We healthcare organizations stay competitive and relevant in the current age of the mobile consumer, whether a marketing team has a clear picture of what to do, or they need an expert to help develop a digital transformation roadmap. Why this work? We do this consulting and development work because we believe that digital tools should help healthcare consumers have more choice, be more in control, and enjoy greater transparency. Healthcare organizations that integrate these tools and create well-thought-out, empowering customer journeys will thrive. How we do it We?ve brought the best practices to healthcare from the industries that most understand and cater to consumers. Why shouldn?t finding a doctor be as easy as comparing flights with Kayak, and booking an appointment online be as easy as reserving a car with Uber? This question guides us each day as we help our clients with their digital transformation. Our clients may not know the ways in which they need to transform, but they do know something isn?t working, either because patients are leaving for competitors, or because teams inside the organization are exasperated with outdated technology that hampers their ability to help the institution grow. We use data about consumer behavior as the basis for any recommendation we make to an organization. We conduct our own research and have a specialized data analytics team that can pinpoint what your customers are doing (and what they are not doing). For organizations that need buy-in from key stakeholders, this kind of data can move and motivate like nothing else. Our Team We are data scientists, engineers, designers, and strategists who understand consumer behavior and the way people engage with the latest digital tools. We?ve spent over a decade building digital assets that deliver consumer value and increase revenue and growth for our clients. We are leaders in healthcare? precisely because we didn?t start in this industry. Our experience in spaces like telecom, entertainment, and insurance has allowed us to bring the best practices to healthcare?an industry we specifically chose because we feel it?s where we can make the most impact. We don?t save lives ourselves, but we do give the right digital tools to the folks who do. Creating fantastic digital experiences for healthcare consumers actually makes for healthier, happier people all around. Mission:?Our Vision: To improve lives by making healthcare more human and personal. Our Mission:Our Vision: To improve lives by making healthcare more human and personal. Our Mission: To improve the healthcare experience by helping organizations establish and nurture strong relationships with their customers. We do this by helping our clients identify the right digital strategies and create products that infuse controls, transparency, and choice into the consumer healthcare experience.

Company size

1 to 50 Employees


Company - Private


$1 to $5 million (USD)







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Worked since Saturday, Jun 01 2024
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