Profile picture of TBS Factoring

TBS Factoring

Oklahoma City, OK
2 staff members
4 72 Reviews
Company Profile

TBS Factoring and its affiliated companies serve small businesses across the US with financial tools that improve business cash flow, maximize operational efficiency and honor the spirit of the entrepreneur. We've been providing outstanding service to our clients since 1968, and the only way we can do that is by employing the best workforce in Oklahoma! Mission: Our mission is bold - to change the dynamic of work so our employees say “I GET to work at TBS, rather than I HAVE to.” TBS focuses on building people, so the people build the business, and it's proven in our growth and success. As a leader in transportation finance technology and a trendsetting employer in the “Silicon Prairie” we strive every day to create an environment where the team thrives! If you hate Sunday nights because the next day is a work day, then you should connect with TBS - where Monday's Don't Suck!

Company size

201 to 500


Company - Private


Unknown / Non-Applicable


Financial Transaction Processing





Staff Members
Worked since Sunday, May 19 2024
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