Profile picture of Semper International

Semper International

Boston, MA
2 staff members
2.5 437 Reviews
Company Profile

We are the nation's largest and most trusted network of skilled talent and top companies in the print, pre-media and interactive media industries. Over 50,000 people in thousands of leading companies have been trained and placed by our services. We provide a host of staffing solutions to our clients, including flex, flex-to-hire, and direct hire. Staffing is more than just filling a slot; we focus on building a long-term team. In fact, much of our active talent pool has been with us for ten years or more. Born and raised in the industry, our business model revolves around leadership, service and community for both our clients and our talented corps of skilled workers. We are here whether you are just starting out, having a career transition or relocation, or just looking for some tide-you-over work. We do business with the biggest (and smallest) players, so we know exactly what your skills are worth in the marketplace and always fight to get you the best rates and opportunities. Mission: We connect the top talent in the print, pre-media and marketing world with the industry's leading companies. Built on a foundation of industry experience and superior service, our team of committed, passionate experts focuses on people - partnering with our clients and job seekers to solve business needs and advance career goals.

Company size

201 to 500


Company - Private


$5 to $10 million (USD) per year


Staffing & Outsourcing





Staff Members
Worked since Tuesday, Feb 18 2025
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