Dipak Agarwal

Houston und Umgebung
0 years old
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In my career span of over 20 years and particularly in last 14 years in lifestyle retail & distribution space, I have taken up a variety of roles i.e., starting from CFO, strategy and operations and business development to eventually Chief Executive. Each move and elevation of my career has been a result of consistent value creation for the organisation and the stakeholders.

I have been instrumental in setting up vision and strategic direction of the business, creating teams and sucessfully executing plans, turning around non performing businesses and creating the overall value for the shareholders.

Working in difficult and challenging situations and turning them around, turning failures into sucesses, identifying & exploiting opportunities, foreseeing the problems and threats have been some of the charcteristics of my career.

Most of my assignments in last decade have been in start ups and therefore creation and fast growth are something which I am used to.

1) Starts ups and turnarounds.
2) Generating, fuelling, managing and supporting fast growth.
3) Building teams, creating and executing structures, fast ramp up of growth organisations through delegation and leadership development.
4) Strategic negotiations for alliances and joint ventures.
5) Fund raising, business and corporate structuring and restructuring, mergers and acquisitions.
6) Business Development and fast paced expansion.
7) Setting up of pan india operations and distribution network

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Career History
  • , Houston und Umgebung ,

    Process Engineer Specialist/Health and
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