Jackylea Chadwick

United States, Tennessee, Eva
79 years old
2.5 2 Reviews
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04/21/2019 @ 08:10 pm

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11/07/2021 @ 09:02 pm - edited

Not the Admirable or Happy person she would like you to believe. Spent her ENTIRE marriage hiding the fact of her husband who molested his own Step daughter about 35-36 Years ago? Spent that entire time and then some harassing and treating like Dog Doo her step son instead of Divorcing the Pedo she married, sending to prison like most decent adults would have. Anyone and Everyone she ever met? She used for personal gain and when no longer useful? She wrote that person out of her life.. Watched both her and my father systematically cancel friends over the slightest greivance. Proverbs 11:27 specifically applies to you and there is No deceiving anyone. I've Never known you to be a Religious person and that phony spiritualist awakening you supposed found 2007 is worth about as much as the Contempt you've held for me since age 5-6. You arent even skin deep in convincing anyone of your being a Christian Woman as the almost 5 decades I knew you?? Very much a raging Bully loudmouth . I will NEVER cease in pointing out the flaws you see as strengths as not 1 instance in my life or anyone else lives did you ever think twice to just keep that judgement to yourself and that Mouth closed.. Very ironic and disgusting for you to tell me to be quiet, shut me up for decades when it was YOU who couldn't set the example...Always Rehashing the same Petty Gripes, year after year without fail without ever being prodded or asked Again...

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    01/1964 - 01/1964
  • Santa Ana High School

Career History
  • Retired

    Human Resource Manager
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