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Biggest joke since being bought by AutoZone If you are in sales, expect to do everyone's job, even if there is someone that is supposed to be doing that job(i.e. credit, operations, etc). That includes cleaning bathrooms! Do you want to take a sick day? Good luck. Hourly employees have to be sick 2 days before you get paid on the third day. That means missing two days of work unpaid. Instead, just come in and get everyone sick. You will all get paid and be miserable together. Account Managers and Territory Sales Managers are sold a pay package as a commission, however it is paid as a bonus. That means it is not guaranteed to be paid should you quit or get fired. It is also taxed at a higher rate. They will try to give you tax advise and tell you to change your exemptions, but guess what? You will still have to pay the taxes either up front or at the back end. They hire the cheapest labor possible to support the business which means quality is at absolute zero. Continuous issues that are never addressed by management.; just danced around. Want a promotion? I hope you like taking on a lot more work for a joke of a pay increase. They are more concerned about their dress code and cheer, instead of their employee satisfaction.
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