Dale Foster

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11/02/2020 @ 05:33 pm

Company has gone down hill, drastically! As time progressed, the company needed to make changes as they wanted to grow into a billion dollar company. This is the aftermath of that initiative... Years later, they are STILL NOT a billion dollar company, stock price is down, and there is no real growth. They have lost their heart and soul, when the board back-doored Simon out. The pay is WELL below industry standard, and they will indoctrinate you with their "lean & mean" strategy...this pretty much meant they will work you MORE and give you LESS. If you were in Sales, you were put through multiple commission plan changes, which made it increasingly harder to attain goals set forth by upper management. Also, losing top vendor lines like Veeam hurt top producing teams. The company offered little to no help in that regard, and left it at "you'll just need to make it up somehow." Management definitely played favorites, there was not an even playing field at all. If you are not in the main office, there is little to no room for advancement.

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