Stephen Blejwas

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0 years old
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11/02/2020 @ 05:57 pm

Dishonest Blejwas informed unemployment I resigned. Not true. Thanks to the rep at unemployment I was found to have not have constituted a willful and deliberate disregard of the standards of behavior and no misconduct was any part of my own. Blewas terminated me for a vehicle accident that is assumed as my fault. I have an upcoming court date and plan to plead not guilty. I wastermend before I had a chance to defend myself in a court of law. Bad business run by owners that are novice at best. I was also told the insurance company had dropped me from the policy. Another untruth. My attorney contacted them and that was never discussed as an option. Once I get thru this traffic dispute I will be seeing Blejwas and summons them as they discriminated against me for poor driving. I have a perfect driving record. No more are the days employers can do things outside of what the laws are written.

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