Ishai Reinfeld

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11/02/2020 @ 06:55 pm

Four months of misery Customer service is a thankless job without any real help from upper management The company culture is terrible, the only thing keeping employees' morale up is complaining about customers and getting drunk at the occasional office party They blast the air conditioning, so you're basically freezing to death No one in the other departments are helpful Reps are encouraged to lie and generally be unhelpful. High turnaround. They target artsy/creative types that need a job, and exploit their desperation. If you found their ad in the Craigslist writing job section, there's a good reason for it. They try to market themselves as a "Fun" company to work for, but it's sitting in front of a computer in a windowless room for hours on end. I was in absolutely depressed for four months before they let me go. My life has improved since then. Half hour lunch break, with two fifteen minute breaks after that. I'd rather just have an hour break. The line to the microwave is long, and if you're at the end of the line, you're either gonna have to eat cold food, or have five minutes to eat. That is, unless you have a kosher meal. Then you can use the Kosher microwave. Speaking of, if you're gonna work for this company, you better know what all the Jewish Holidays are, because those are the holidays you get off.

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