Cheryl Bahm

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0 years old
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11/02/2020 @ 07:09 pm

Great Mission, Poor Management No insurance / benefits, even for full time staff - and low pay so affording insurance is almost impossible. Executive Director overworks herself, does not communicate clearly, twists employees' words, and consistently misrepresents situations to make herself look better. ED is very resistant to change (unless it's her own impulsive idea). ED does not embrace effective tech/media to make the organization more profitable or stand out, but would rather do things old school. This has caused the organization to stay behind the times. LOTS of infighting, talking behind people's backs, and several "mean girls" on staff that is leading to consistent turn over (the ED tends to have the back of the mean girls, as they have seniority) Tendency to value seniority over skill when it comes to putting staff in leadership positions, which makes for overwhelmed and mismanaged situations and staff. The board is very uninvolved with the ground floor operations and remains pretty aloof. (None of the employees have access to the board's contact information, even when the board claims to be accessible)

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