Joanne Lynn

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11/02/2020 @ 10:33 pm

RUN AWAY...THE PLACE IS A REVOLVING DOOR!! There have been huge shake-ups in the Farmingdale location which handles the five boroughs of New York City. One good professional after another getting fired. The owner of the agency only cares about making money, (so she can drive her new Mercedes SUV), not about quality of services being provided. They will hire anyone...just a fill cases. It doesn't matter how much experience you have, they just want people to take the NYC DOE contracts so the company can make more money. They are not top on the list for the NYC DOE, and with good reason. Used to be good, but they have gone progressively downhill. Do yourself a favor and work for a different agency. You'll make more money per child, have experienced supervising therapists as mentors, actually get cases from the NYC DOE, and not have to watch your back for the ax to fall. Also, any other agency name on your resume or CV will be better than this company. Poor reputation among the professions. And parents...go to another agency for treatment for your children if you want them to have the best therapists and supervisors. You won't find them here.

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