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Straight out lie To be clear, I was a prospective employee and made it to the 3rd round of interviews before realizing they were lying to me and declined. I applied for their Customer Service Representative position with the promised salary of 30-45k on Indeed. During the interview, they were very evasive with what my job actually would be during the first interview and gave practically no details. When I came back for the second interview/ training, I realized this was not a CSR position but it was canvassing (aka: the people asking for large sum donations in the subway and on the street that you try to avoid) Just like the other poster, I had to watch my trainer canvass in the subway while I filled out a long questionnaire against the subway walls. I was told that I could move up in the company but that, even at the top, my responsibilities would be a mix of subway and street canvassing plus recruiting others in to do the same. I was told that I would be expected to work from Monday through Saturday, from usually 9am until generally 7-7:30pm for a starting salary of 25k per year. That's 6 days a week, approx. 10 hours a day for around less than $9 per hour. That is less than the $15 min wage because the position is exempt. There were also no benefits. No overtime pay and no healthcare, etc. This is a scam that borderlines my idea of slave labor, do not be fooled and waste your time like I did.
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