Michael Conte

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0 years old
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11/03/2020 @ 01:05 am

Welcome to Pre-School If you like being treated like a child with very little freedom (if any) this is the place for you. Get ready to have everything and I mean "everything" monitored while you're working. If you come in 1 minute late be prepared to have a good excuse and don't even think about leaving 1 minute early. If your schedule ends at 5PM, don't ever try and get up at 4:59PM or else you'll get verbally warned then written up the next time. Sales is a JOKE! They aren't even real sales people. It's a customer service-order taker place. Most sales people I know make 6 Figures +. You'll be lucky to make 40K/yr at this place (and that's the top). Lots of personal relationships going on, raises are non-existent or extremely small if you get one (McDonalds is giving a better raise) and whenever you try and say something the answer is always, "At least you have a job!" Yes, that's right I do and it's no longer with you fools! BYE BYE!!!!!!

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