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You will burn out I think the major problem that this company faces is that they don?t treat their employees well and it reflects in the amount of turnover the company has. The owner just sees you as source of revenue who wants to wring you for as many hours as possible. As an engineer you start off around $60,000 which is not too bad but salary raises after you start are minimal until you get to FEII which will cap you around $70,000. For a company that says they never had so much work and record contract amounts bonuses are an absolute joke. You?ll probably get $50 after taxes. The real money is in the employee referrals, which can be up to $5,000. The company is very cheap with its workers. They do not pay for transportation costs, they don?t really have days where breakfast or lunch are brought in, not even pizza! The kitchen only offers coffee, water and milk. You have to hit 42 hours a week of billable hours, regardless of how many hours you actually work. Sometimes it?s hard because there is no work for you to do, so you just have to pretend to look busy. There is absolutely no work from home policy!! I do not understand why. All you are doing are checklists and final reports. This can be done at home and it would make everyone feel better. There?s a reason so many tech companies do it. IT WORKS! Just because a few bad apples ruined it years ago doesn?t mean it?ll happen again. Have a little confidence in us engineers, we?re your source of revenue, reward us! PTO and holidays are so so at best. You get 5 holidays. Just five!!! You get 15 days of PTO which sucks because some of those days you have to use after major holidays like christmas and thanksgiving since they did not give us that. What exactly does upper management do? They?re always in Long Island and everyone is on their best behavior when they come into the NYC office.
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