Sean Hanna

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11/03/2020 @ 03:48 am

How the Harry Heck? They're still around. After the publisher decided to post an "I quit" email to his employees last December, he's suddenly found a second wind and hired three new employees within the past six months. Of course, they're replacing two senor employees who left earlier in the year so net net, it's still a downgrade. Also, said publisher took out a $500K loan to hire those employees so anyone looking to join up may want to consider that. And it's business as usual still. Said new employees were mostly dismissed from work one day after turning up late after a three-day holiday weekend. Said publisher then took the remaining employees out to lucnh where he vented about the new employees. And at their own conference in April, said publisher went out and bought food back to the hotel and cooked for everyone instead of letting his crew go out for food at this 5-star hotel in L.A.

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