Katrina Markoff

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11/03/2020 @ 05:20 am

run away! run away! Cult of personality is right! This company used to be a fun place where it was somewhat enjoyable to work in, like other reviewers have said, its absolutely abysmal now. Sinking ship is right?theres so much turnover now that training or any type of relevant info is out the door with the long term managers that actually cared. The current work climate is composed of scrambling to compensate for whatever last minute decision is made, and then get thrown under the bus by the owners sister when you fail. There has been at least 5 or 6 executives that have been run off or had the good sense to leave while they could.. they all get called idiots or whatever afterwards. Can you say nepotism? Do you want to work with no perks (holidays are at least 12 hour days and that?s mandatory), benefits or incentives (except like one reviewer said expired chocolate OMG)? Do you like sitting in meetings and watch the owner hijack it with her rambling (assuming she shows up, stays, or is even on time). Then this is the place for you. Like so many of the other reviewers said here.. anyone who questions the ridiculous decisions made by the two sisters gets railroaded out. Run and run fast.

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