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The lowest company morale I have ever experienced This company has a habit of pursuing talented people from top companies, promising them growth and major opportunities. What follows next is a pattern micro-managing and beating down the individual?s creativity and confidence until they are inevitably marched out of the office without notice. Yelling matches are frequent between the founders and senior team, and the favoritism amongst certain people is unfair. Despite boasting transparency across the board, the company has created a toxic culture of fear and insecurity by firing loyal & talented individuals on a whim, with zero transparency related to the rest of the worried staff. The highest employer turnover at around 50% I have ever witnessed in my career, with over 50 people having lost their jobs during my time here. The company is battling a widely reported lawsuit with Chanel, of which the legal fees are costing additional employee jobs. I have never worked at a company where morale is so low. Existing employees have no choice but to smile and drink the cool-aid to keep their jobs.
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