George Gordon

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0 years old
2.5 2 Reviews
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11/09/2020 @ 08:42 am

Scam Artists The company is deeply in debt and I believe operates as a pyramid scheme. New investors are constantly brought in to pay off earlier investors. They promised the city of st pete that many many jobs would be brought to the area and many years later they have less than 20 employees. Core group of management continues to mismanage the place while they get rid of all those around them.

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05/04/2023 @ 03:23 pm

"nice info"

Scam Artists The company is deeply in debt and I believe operates as a pyramid scheme. New investors are constantly brought in to pay off earlier investors. They promised the city of st pete that many many jobs would be brought to the area and many years later they have less than 20 employees. Core group of management continues to mismanage the place while they get rid of all those around them.

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