Rachel Smith

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11/09/2020 @ 09:10 am

STAY AWAY - ILLEGITIMATE BUSINESS RUN BY CON ARTIST Rachel (the owner) has no real qualifications to be working with kids who have severe learning and behavioral disorders. She only coasts on her reputation and will not be able to prepare you adequately to work with these kids. The big red flag was when I realized her idea of "training" was a 15 minute phone call in which she tries to convey to you the hurdles of working with these kids. But by that point I had already moved across country with the promise of having a job once I arrived in Los Angeles. I was unceremoniously dropped by her after not even two weeks on the job. I had a total of 3 clients - one of whom she pulled me off of after ONE session without even so much as a reason to why it didn't work out. Another one she pulled me off of after ONE session (again) with the only explanation being "you weren't what they were looking for in a tutor." The third client, who I had been working with the longest, I was pulled off from working with because I had been "too harsh" with him over text message and he demanded another tutor. That's it. There was no second try (because she's precariously perched in an educational market she doesn't belong in and probably burns through tutors like they're nothing). She never even formally let me know I was fired, she just said "It will be difficult finding you more clients" and then I never heard back from her. This was after two weeks on the job, having just moved across country to LA. I lost a huge amount of money as I lived in Los Angeles looking for a replacement job afterwards. In short: You will not be prepared to work with these kids because SHE'S NOT PREPARED/QUALIFIED TO WORK WITH THESE KIDS. Go with an educator that is certified to work with kids who have learning/behavioral disorders and can adequately train you to work with them, or just become a tutor with a general education company (Kaplan, Princeton Review), as opposed to a specialized one.

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