Paul Bishop

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11/09/2020 @ 09:13 am

Stay away from this place! After I started working at ARG I met a former employee. When I asked why they left the company they said they were laid off. It turns out we both worked in the same department and had the same manager. Our jobs were very similar. Later on I was laid off too. The same thing happened in other departments. There have been many groups of layoffs here and in their other locations. Several people continue to leave because they don't want to lose their jobs. People in upper management have left mysteriously too. Many of us have families to support and one day we found ourselves without jobs. It is an extremely awful and traumatic experience to endure. If you ask why you no longer have a job they give bogus answers and some never get answers. Then they turn around and hire in the same department. The trauma continues when you finally realize what the company has been doing for years. The reason it continues to happen is only known by management. Based on the company's behavior and reputation it is guaranteed to be unethical. They use scare tactics to silence current and former employees.

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