Linda Deleo

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0 years old
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11/09/2020 @ 09:25 am

STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY Too many cons to name them all. If you like to express yourself through your appearance stay far away from here! They judge every outfit you wear, you can't dye your hair, they prefer no makeup, you can't wear pretty much anything that they don't sell and even then some. Every location has no parking so you have to park at least 10-20 min away and crazy 10pm if you sucks. Corporate/management does not give you ANY warning if you make a mistake, are doing something wrong, or anything like that. No write-ups or warning JUST straight up FIRED... over even the smallest things aka dresscode, drama, even just being a few minutes late. While working there MANY fellow employees including myself noticed errors on pay stubs such as lowered rates of pay, incorrect hours, etc. SHADY STUFF.

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