Terence Curran

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0 years old
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11/09/2020 @ 10:20 am

Disorganized & Shady Business Practices This company is invested in making money; not in its employees or its integrity. The owner's plan is to collect checks from the golf course (paraphrasing a quote from upper management), so there is no real incentive to invest in employees or to deliver a product/service that goes above and beyond the client's expectations. Management will assign additional duties and scheduling, but balk at additional pay or incentives. The company has ambitions to compete with large industry-standard competitor (MedCor) with no real organization or original ingenuity to do so. Company revenues have grown faster than their resources and personnel leaving the employees to bare the brunt of its downfalls with little guidance or support from upper management. What little middle management there is are just figureheads with no true authority or abilities from micromanaging upper management. Maybe 10-20 years from now this will be a decent company, but for now it's nothing more than a wayward stop to pick up some new experience for trauma junkies who want to babysit construction sites.

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