Bill Moos

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11/09/2020 @ 11:47 am

Working at protechs Working at pro-techs. Boss knows little to nothing about servers, standards, SLA, switches, firewalls etc. Will still sell and just middle man's prices. This is not a true tech company. Just a reseller of services. His favorite line is "bad sector? Let's replace the hd and OS" instead of letting the customer know that they are pending bad sectors and the drive could be good. At that point he is guessing as a standard for his company. Doesn't understand networking / firewalls / servers but will still try to repair. I've had to fix a lot of the owners mess ups while getting thrown under the bus because he had false.expectations or bought the wrong server rack even though in Emails it specifically states a different one, just to save a few bucks(still charges client a premium). It then turns out to be a huge hassle because I had to do work around to make a network equipment rack into a server rack.

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