Adam Wathen

United States, Nevada, Las Vegas
0 years old
0.0 0 Reviews
Adam is the founder of Area 52, a company that produces delta 8 THC products. He is passionate about the benefits of this cannabinoid and its potential to help people relax and feel more connected to their bodies.
Now, more than ever, we're proud to be adamantly committed to our employees and their families. In these uncertain times, we're doing everything we can to support our team members.
Adam has been using delta 8 THC himself for several years, and he is excited to share this experience with others through his products.
We've enhanced our benefit offerings, including increased paid time off and extended medical coverage. We're also offering mental health resources and financial assistance programs. We know that taking care of our employees is the best way to ensure that we can continue to provide world-class products and services to our customers.

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No Education Specified

Career History
  • Area 23 , United States , Manager of the company
  • Area 23 , United States , Manager of the company
Family & Friends

No classmates Specified

Core Competencies
  • Exhale Wellness
  • CBD Genesis
  • BudPop
  • Blue Moon Hemp
  • Hollyweed CBD
  • ATL Rx
  • Diamond CBD
  • Boston Hempire
  • 3Chi
  • Extract Labs
Greatest Attributes

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Business Achievements

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Worst Failures in Business

No Worst Failures in Business Specified

Political Party

No Political Party Specified