Ryan Moore

United States, New York, NY
25 years old
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How many times have your eyes been fixed on your book at midnight or later? Even though you did your homework hours before, how many times have you found yourself staring at your textbook around midnight (or later)? People for here (domyhomework123.com/solve-my) know for sure These lost hours can be explained by Parkinson's Law. It states that "work expands to fill its time with completion."

You have more homework than ever. Even though you have a lot to do, there are some things that can be done to make your time more productive.

These are 8 steps that will help you make Parkinson's Law work for your benefit:

1. Make a list

It should include a list of all the tasks that need to be completed that evening. We mean everything, from re-reading the history class notes to quizzing yourself about Spanish vocabulary.

2. Calculate the time it will take to complete each item on your shopping list

This is where you can get a bit ruthless. You can cut down on the time it takes to complete a task, no matter how long it takes. Be realistic. It is not possible to become a speed reader by magic.

3. All your gear should be gathered

Make sure you have everything you need to complete the homework. You can get distracted and make it harder to complete your homework.

4. Unplug

It can be difficult to concentrate on the task at hand due to constant blinging and beeping from your device. Turn off your devices or put them away until you are ready to go.

5. Take your time

You can estimate how long it takes to do something and use that information to plan your next study session.

6. Keep your eyes on the task

It can be easy to go to an unrelated website online if you are fact-checking. It is better to take note of all the information that you require online and then do it all at once at end of study session.

7. Make sure to take plenty of breaks

We all need breaks between classes or to take our minds off of long periods of study. You can keep your energy up by taking active breaks. Tech breaks are an excellent way to overcome fear of missing out while you're buried in work. However, they can also stretch longer than intended. Keep your breaks to 10 minutes.

8. Reward yourself

Do you want to finish early? You can take 10 minutes off if you have 30 minutes to read bioligy chapter. Or, you can move on to the next task. You might be able to finish your work in a short time and catch up on Netflix if you keep on track.

The best advice we can give is: Keep going. This system will get easier the more you use it. It will be amazing how much time you can save by simply focusing on your studies and not being distracted.

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  • writing
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  • proofreading
  • Word
  • English
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