Micah Raskin

United States, New York, New York
0 years old
5.0 1 Reviews

Born on August 8, 1968, Micah Raskin is a multifaceted individual who has made a significant mark in both the world of poker and philanthropy. Residing in New York, NY, he embarked on his professional poker journey in 2007, achieving remarkable success by winning several prestigious poker tournaments and accumulating earnings exceeding $2 million.

Beyond his prowess in poker, Raskin is a savvy entrepreneur. He founded a thriving direct marketing agency in Queens, New York, and played a pivotal role in the establishment of one of New York's largest chiropractic centers.

However, Raskin's true passion lies in giving back to the community. For nearly two decades, he has actively engaged in philanthropic endeavors. He channels a substantial portion of his poker winnings into supporting charitable causes, with a focus on hospitals, after-school programs for children, and initiatives for children with Autism.

Community outreach is a core part of Raskin's life. He regularly volunteers at a local soup kitchen in Queens, providing meals to those experiencing homelessness. Moreover, he initiated an after-school program in Queens, providing a safe haven for children and guiding them towards positive paths.

Raskin's support extends to faith-based initiatives, where he has generously funded the construction of three temples, offering sacred spaces for prayer, communal meals, and family gatherings, particularly benefiting the elderly.

He is equally dedicated to empowering disabled children. Raskin funds and actively participates in weekend swimming programs in inner-city communities, giving children with disabilities the opportunity to learn, exercise, and have fun.

In the realm of arts and culture, Raskin sponsors an annual concert in Hyde Park, featuring diverse musical performances, with all proceeds benefiting local children's hospitals.

In his personal life, Micah Raskin calls Old Westbury, New York, home. He balances his professional commitments with a passion for music and is a member of the rock-n-roll cover band Backseat Betty. Additionally, he cherishes spending quality time with his twin brothers, Logan and Roger, accomplished music producers based in Los Angeles.

Raskin's academic background includes a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Baruch College. He enjoys a range of personal interests, from poker and skiing to daily meal preparation for his elderly parents. His love for spending time with friends and loved ones in New York is matched by his dedication to philanthropy and making a positive impact in the community.

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12/11/2023 @ 12:37 am

"Micah Raskin: Poker Pro and Philanthropic Powerhouse"

Micah Raskin is a remarkable individual who excels in the world of professional poker while making a substantial impact through his philanthropic efforts. With poker earnings exceeding $2 million, he channels a significant portion into charitable causes, supporting hospitals, after-school programs, and initiatives for disabled children. Raskin's commitment to community outreach and his dedication to giving back make him a true philanthropic powerhouse.

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