Frank Jordan

United States
0 years old
0.0 0 Reviews
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Frank is a management consultant representing companies in a number of disciplines in which he has broad and deep executive experience. He has served as CEO and COO, and in 1997 engineered, negotiated and closed the sale of a privately-held in which he was an equity partner to a what is now a Fortune 500 company.
I currently own and operate a consultancy focusing on helping companies innovate and move forward with quantifiable results.
Frank has led entire organizations as a strategy expert and innovator. He has expanded companies through increasing their geographic footprint and organic growth. He has completed initiatives in such diverse areas as turnaround of unprofitable branches, corporate branding and graphic image campaigns, developing internal audit programs, mergers and acquisitions, finance and accounting, information technology, human resources, and training and development.
Frank will grow his consulting practice and help small to mid-size companies achieve their organizational goals.

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